Traditional Chinese Herbs & Formulas


Potash Apothecary was born from the need of the people in search for alternative methods to prevent/correct imbalances in the body. Family business run by Dr. Noelle Potash, DAc. LAc. in Traditional Chinese Medicine with further studies at University in Japan.


To provide alternative natural options to prevent/correct body imbalances. 


Become an important East Asian Medicine health trade center in Costa Rica.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”

- Laozi

Our Services

    • General imbalances

      • Fever / Flu / Phlem / Cough / Stomach Stasis / Diarrhea

    • Tea bags - 100g (around 15)

    • Cost: ₡ 10 000

    • Aid organ function (deficiency or excess)

      • Liver / Lungs / Heart

    • Alleviate pains

      • Leg cramps / Headache

    • General imbalances

      • Fever / Flu / Phlem / Cough / Stomach Stasis / Diarrhea

    • Dropper bottle: 2 oz / 60 ml

      • Cost: ₡ 7 000

    • Bulk: Bottle (around 840ml)

      • Cost: ₡ 60 000

    • Tea - ₡10 000

    • Tincture - ₡7 000

    • Diagnose using Traditional Chinese Medicine & Gas Discharge Visualization Machine - ₡ 10 000

    • Lecture from Meridian pHD & Personalized herbal formula from Oriental Herbal pHD - ₡ 10 000 (herbs not included)


Available herb formulas

    • Bao He Wan - Food stasis

    • Cang Er Zi San, modified - Sinus congestion / excess boogers

    • Chaihu Jia Longgu Muli tang - Insomnia

    • Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang - Blood deficiency / blood loss

    • Gan Mao - Flu

    • Huang Qin Tang - Dysentary / acute diarrhea

    • Jia Wei Xiao Yao San - Pre-menstrual / Irritable bowel syndromes

    • Li Zhong Wan - Stomach pain / chronic diarrhea

    • ??? - Cough / weeze / lung heat

    • Mazi Ren Wan - Constipation

    • Shao Yao Gan Cao - Lower body cramps

    • Si Ni San - Poor circulation

    • Tao Hong Si Wu Tang - Painful menstruation

    • Xiang Xia Liu Jun Zi Tang - Weak / sensitive digestion

    • Xiao Chai Hu Tang - Gall-bladder issues

    • Yu Ping Feng San - Inmune support

    • Bao He Wan - Food stasis

    • Cang Er Zi San, modified - Sinus congestion / excess boogers

    • Chaihu Jia Longgu Muli tang - Insomnia

    • Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang - Blood deficiency / blood loss

    • Gan Mao - Flu

    • Huang Qin Tang - Dysentary / acute diarrhea

    • Jia Wei Xiao Yao San - Pre-menstrual / Irritable bowel syndromes

    • Li Zhong Wan - Stomach pain / chronic diarrhea

    • ??? - Cough / weeze / lung heat

    • Mazi Ren Wan - Constipation

    • Shao Yao Gan Cao - Lower body cramps

    • Si Ni San - Poor circulation

    • Tao Hong Si Wu Tang - Painful menstruation

    • Xiang Xia Liu Jun Zi Tang - Weak / sensitive digestion

    • Xiao Chai Hu Tang - Gall-bladder issues

    • Yu Ping Feng San - Inmune support

Contact us

If you need bulk or herb formulas we don’t have, please contact us to provide a solution.